Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Another sleepless night.. okay okay.. so i stayed up all night just to play video game, but you can't blame me. I haven't touched a single game (barring NintendoDS) for like 3000 years. So, sue me if you want. Upcoming week is going to be tough, and so will the weeks to follow. All in preparation for PFA Project II, which holds like 35% of the whole module marks.So unless i want to take PFA for the 3rd time, i better do something this time.

Work work work.. and ironically, i don't like to draw at all, yet i find myself in a product designing course.

Life never really gives you what you want. You just have to deal with it.


excuse me. you think you don't have a place in anyone? welcome to my world. i've been a resident here for around seven years now. i don't want to sound harsh, but you know darn well you have people who are close to you. think of those who are genuine to you before you go around thinking "i have no real friends and no one cares".

please, that's my line. my shoes won't fit your feet.


have i been a bother to you?

i don't know, you don't tell me much.

it could just be my fault all along.

it's tiring to think about it.
